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Principal's Blog

2024 Term 1


I shared at the end of term concert that we’d had a great start to the year – an especially lovely term. I’ve been reflecting on why this year has been upbeat, so positive. My reflections keep returning to community. This year started, and continued, with community being embraced, assisted and built by many, many school families. This added a richness and connection to the lived experience of the day-to-day, and built a strong sense of connection, founded upon contribution.

There were so many helpers and offers of help that any list will inadvertently leave someone unacknowledged. There were helpers cutting vegetables, scrubbing potatoes and chopping fruit. Helpers cooking sausages and baking scones. On other days we had volunteers doing the dishes and generally tidying up. On the academic side of things, we’ve had helpers in art, English, maths and science classes, as well as helpers with reading and writing. We’ve also had helpers with swimming and on many outings, and some really interesting talks by quite a few parents. We’ve also had a very talented grandfather on the piano doing musical appreciation. There have been trips to the shop, pencils sharpened, spelling corrected and stories read. And in addition to all these, we had many offers of help that were not taken up, but were none-the-less appreciated.

The children are doubly helped through these contributions. In a direct practical sense, our outings and literacy programs are enhanced through the extra help, our swimming endeavour is made possible and the fruit is cut up and enjoyed. This is only half of it. The contribution of parents to the engagement of the children in our school also comes from them simply being around, affirming that the school is a good place to spend time at. This affirmation of the school plays a role in the children blooming, as it makes the statement that you value the school and enjoy being there. This statement is so much more powerful when it is not just stated, but demonstrated. The daily presence of parents helping, or sometimes just being around, chatting and enjoying a cup of tea, affirms for our children that our school is a valued place.

This form of affirmation is the strongest endorsement possible, and conveys to our children that the school has the backing of the parent. This is an engaging and empowering statement, conveying to the children that not only is the school is a good place to be, but further that what the teachers do and offer is of worth, all of which enhances our ability to work successfully and positively with them. This is not to say that they are all angels, that we are running a utopia or that there were no incidents of poor behaviour, but that this support is a powerful tool in our ability to guide students to act in more pro-social ways. Being present and contributing are key to building community, to growing individually and in a communal way by supporting a sense of connection and belonging. The happy spirit in the school was palpable this term flowed from the embrace of the school’s families.

So, a big thanks to all those who embraced our community, and in doing so made the start to this year so happy, positive and connected.

I do realise that there are some families who find it very hard to spend time at school. This has always been and will always be the case, as family circumstances vary. However, to re-state, the most important contribution is a social one – a general indication of support for the school. It can be as simply as enjoyment of an item at a soiree, a smile at drop-off or a positive comment. Your messages of support or acknowledgement of something appreciated do more good than you know, and also really help to keep the teaching team’s spirits up, and play an important role in your child’s flourishing.

I have to acknowledge that there have over the years been many offers of help and support that have not been taken up. This does not diminish the generosity of these offers, nor mean that they were unnoticed or unappreciated. I just accepted an offer of help given in September 2021… so you never know! And there are many quiet, more unassuming types who I know would step in and help if needed or asked. So, for those whose support is not able to be demonstrated weekly, but who are quietly there in reserve, my thanks go to you too.


Timothy (Principal)

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