Free Schools - an exciting initiative emerging in the UK.
Our small school receives far many more applications for enrolment than there are places. We meet many great families who really want the best for their children. We are constantly saddened that if we were to enrol all those seeking out our school, it would end up as a much bigger school, and not the school they were seeking. We believe that there should be more schooling options and choices.
The situation in the UK offers a possible pathway for Victoria, where the coalition Government has removed nearly all of the obstacles to starting new schools under the banner of the 'Free Schools' initiative.
Opening up the School System – an initiative of the UK Government – Free Schools
The UK Government has withdrawn most of the impediments to opening new schools, and under the Free Schools initiative, actually gives support, and full funding recurrent as well as start-up funding to groups wanting to start their own schools.
The Free School initiative is providing choice to families previously denied it – that is families unable to pay school fees.
The Tate is starting a school for those artistically inclined, a number of football clubs, including Everton and Bradford City are establishing schools for those with a love of soccer. Religious, charitable and community groups are also starting schools all over the country.
This change, modelled on a Swedish initiative from 1991, is increasing both diversity and equality of opportunity. While schools continue to be closed across Australia, in just over two years 150 schools in Britain have been approved to open, and over the next few years, another 400 are planned to open. These schools are independently run, but fully government funded.
I wonder what our MPs think of this initiative?
To view the Free School Initiative (Department of Education, UK) see:
A couple of notable schools set up or being set up under the free school initiative are:
The West London Free School (founded by Toby Young):
Plymouth School of Creative Arts (supported by The Tate Gallery):